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Why Interim Management?

This is the key question, why IM? The advantages of Interim Management are not simply economic as you might think at first, having excellent professionals in any department of your company can be the differentiating point that makes it grow and achieve the objectives or adapt to a new market situation faster than the competition.


Companies are often faced with new situations to which they have to adapt, in the face of this change or adaptation they must act quickly and manage risks, but the excellent experienced professionals they need for change are difficult to find and, often, they are costly and their hiring ends up delaying the resolution of critical problems. Excellent and qualified executives are increasingly rare and traditional recruitment methods slow, leading to a high opportunity cost.


The concept of Interim Management started in the Netherlands in the mid-1970s. Dutch companies wanted a model that would allow them to comfortably access specific high-excellence talents for predetermined periods of time to fulfill key tasks and launch new projects.

The additional degree of flexibility and scalability provided by Interim Management proved to be very effective and the model was established in the UK in the 1980s.

During the last 30 years the use of Interim Management grew between 20% and 40% annually worldwide.

Interim CIO

The Interim CIO consists of the full-time or part-time incorporation of CIO professionals with extensive managerial experience and excellence to carry out a specific mission within the department with previously defined objectives to be achieved and in a specific time frame.


Among the advantages of Interim CIO we could highlight:


- They significantly improve managerial capacity in functions or projects in which they contribute extensive experience.

- They can be incorporated full-time or part-time depending on the specific needs of the company.

- They involve a variable cost because it is an external provision of professional services.

- Greater objectivity in their diagnosis and decision-making as they are not contractually or emotionally linked to the company.

- They obtain results in short periods of time because they require detailing the objectives to be achieved before being hired.

- They provide commitment, involvement and rapid integration into the structure of the company

- They carry out important mentoring work

Computadora de gran alcance

What kind of sectors can benefit from Interim Management?

The simple answer is all companies that need to manage problems outside of their current capacity or capabilities. The demand for interim managers comes from virtually every industry.


An excellent professional in your company through Interim Management offers you:


- Performance from the first moment, short process of adaptation to the company.

- Being able to have excellent professionals that we could not access due to salary scale and costs.

- Cost reduction, not only salary but training, adaptation time, efficiency.

- Focus on specific projects or developments of the company, adapting the duration to the development of the same.

- An external vision of the company, which can help to see improvement processes that we are not able to see on a day-to-day basis.

- New technologies, new methodologies, fresh air for the company.



What kind of needs can the use of Interim Management help?

Projects management

Implementation of new technology

Implementation of new strategy

Expansion to a new market

Company relocation

Starting or closing a division

New activity or atypical project

Sudden loss of a senior manager

Organizational changes

Management of temporary overloads

Growth management

Start-up management

Change management

Business merger, spin-off or acquisition

Rationalization, downsizing or restructuring

Cultural changes within the company

Crisis management

Reverse underperforming splits

Reunión de Equipo

Benefits of Interim Management

Las empresas que intentan implementar y mantener todo el trabajo de IT por sí mismas a menudo tienen que aportar excesivos recursos materiales y humanos a la investigación, el desarrollo y la implementación. Esto genera dos problemas para la empresa: mayores costes y mas tiempo. 


Lo mas habitual es estos casos es que los costes se amorticen repercutiéndolos en el precio final al cliente, lo que significa que la empresa se vuelve menos competitiva con respecto a los precios de los productos respecto a la competencia. 


También tardar más en llevar nuevos productos al mercado debido a las limitaciones IT, hacen que la competitividad también se vea afectada, ya que otras empresas se están moviendo más rápido.


Por ultimo, cuando ocurre un ataque cibernético, un desastre natural como inundaciones o terremotos, el departamento IT debe comenzar a trabajar. De la capacidad de este departamento dependerá cuánto tiempo estaremos fuera del mercado.

Mejor y más rápida adaptación
a los cambios de mercado

La administración de las necesidades de IT de forma interna puede terminar en largos ciclos de investigación y desarrollo antes del tiempo de implementación. La mejora de soporte IT puede tener un impacto significativo en la mejora de la ventaja competitiva de su empresa, pero asegurándonos de que el tiempo, el dinero y la energía que gasta en IT se asignen e inviertan correctamente.


Ante los continuos y caga vez mas grande cambios en IT, la subcontratación es una solución rentable que permite implementar las tecnologías adecuadas de inmediato, lo que permite volver a estar al mercado más rápidamente y mantener la competitiva.


Mediante el outsourcing, la empresa puede centrarse en proyectos verdaderamente importantes y estrategias comerciales significativas que brinden una ventaja competitiva.

No tenga dudas, consúltenos sin compromiso y le responderemos lo antes posible.

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